Spirit Activity
Spirits cannot effect physical reality without energy coming from somewhere. Most so called psychic phenomena is caused by negative emotions (fear/anger) and negative earth energies (see the other sections of this site). Some of the more troubled people who have died cannot make the break because of their confused state. It is these that cause the most problems for people. But for the most part they cannot effect us unless we allow them to i.e. by giving them energy in the form of fear or anger. Then they are able to make noises, effect electrical things and sometimes move small things around.
Young children are very protected by angels and higher spirit beings. But often it is children that get effected by spirits because of their sensitivity, especially young adolescent teenagers, who tend to have a high level of psychic energy at that age. If children are scared then that is more energy for the troublesome spirit to use.
If we are able to be calm and remain positive we are deneighing any spirits their energy fix, and literally rendering them as harmless as a butterfly. It is us that give them a vehicle to effect the physical world, by themselves they can do nothing. |