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Healing The Planet - Starting with your Backyard
Intro to Dowsing & Earth Energies
OCTOBER 13-14 2018

Healing The Planet - Starting with your Backyard
Intro to Dowsing & Earth Energies
OCTOBER 20-21 2018
Glastonbury Area

NEW Training Course:
Talking with Gaia: Earth Healing Course
JAN 2019 Glastonbury Area

Available Workshops
Have them run in your area!
19th Jan 2015 Shaun was Interviewed recently on 'Its Rain Making Time!' The 45 minute Podcast Is here:
[The Spirit of The Land Matters]
"Intention is everything in Geomancy"

It is my intention with this site to promote Geomancy, the awareness of the Earth energies and the interaction and connection with the consciousness of the planet, which some call GAIA :
  As a practicing Geomancer I am promoting my services for harmonising of earth energies and geopathic stress in peoples homes, places of work and landscapes.
  To create sacred sites and places of healing for the benefit of all beings.
  To teach these skills in whatever capacity I can to those who will use it for helping the planet and others.

I run various workshops in geomancy: Basic Dowsing Introduction, Practical Geomancy for Lightworkers, Working with Earth Grid (& methods of classification), working with nature & angelic kingdoms, Sacred Space creation etc. See Workshops and Geomancy: The Full Download training course which began in February 2012.
My priority is to demonstrate the effects Earth energies have on us, and the need for balancing and harmonising our own environment in these technological times.

Site Visits
I can visit your home or work space and balance the earth energies.
For those who have problems with their enviroment, including a vast number of difficulties, from insomnia to more extreme illnesses (see geopathic stress symtoms), or inexplicable occurances or phenomia, problems with pests, unruly neibours, extreame bad luck, suspected curses etc..

[see do I need a geomancer?]

Remote Visits
There are more than one way to effect change in a landscape. Remote dowsing is a very comon form of geomancy in Britain. It saves time/petrol and can be equaly as effective as a site visit. A simple map drawn by the client is emailed or faxed, from which the energy work is carried out. If your having trouble with this concept, think of it as advanced homeopathy..
  Personally, I do prefer to visit the site to see the local features and causes of potentail geopathic or technopathic stress. I also recognise the need to help and remote visits are generally more cost effective.

Sacred Site Creation
Stone circles have always been a passion of mine. I have been fortunte enough to have created 3 major circle sites, as well as many other sacred spaces and circles.
When the elements are there for a specail place the only thing that is needed is for us to work with the energy of the land, and slowly it takes form. This is the art that our ancestors knew. We are slowly rediscovering it today and what we have gleaned is now quite extensive.
If the enviroment is conducive, I can create a sacred space to suit your needs or activity.