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Healing The Planet - Starting with your Backyard
Intro to Dowsing & Earth Energies
OCTOBER 13-14 2018

Healing The Planet - Starting with your Backyard
Intro to Dowsing & Earth Energies
OCTOBER 20-21 2018
Glastonbury Area

NEW Training Course:
Talking with Gaia: Earth Healing Course
JAN 2019 Glastonbury Area

Available Workshops
Have them run in your area!
19th Jan 2015 Shaun was Interviewed recently on 'Its Rain Making Time!' The 45 minute Podcast Is here:
[The Spirit of The Land Matters]
A course of 8 Weekends and 5-Day Intensive Teaching & Training.
Plus on the job work experienc
e with a teacher.
[see our Tutors page]

This is not to be missed for those interested in the authentic Art Of Geomancy. This course has some of the leading lights in the field of Geomancy, Sacred space design, Psychic Dynamic Geometries in the Etheric Matrix of Space, Building Harmonics and Programmable Energy Codes, and Working with Elementals, Angels, and Spirit of Place.

Unique approaches and methodologies by all teachers. Learn the style of Earth Healing that suits you the best, whilst grasping the essential principals that allows geomancy to be so effective. [see our Tutors page]

Geomancy 2013: The Full Download - The Course Modules
Module and Date Discription

Module 1
Essential Skills

Glastonbury Area
New Course Starts:
6th & 7th April 2013
[Contact for details]

Module 1: Essential Skills - Dowsing & Earth Energy Introduction
This module is designed to give an introduction to the art of dowsing and a foundation to earth energies (Ley lines, Underground water & Grid lines), auras, electromagnetic & etheric fields created by all life and the various kinds of Qi, and energetic features found in the landscape. How they effect us and how to tell the difference between them. Tasters of the other modules. Simple techniques for Earth Healing.
Tutors: Shaun
Module 2a
Nature Spirits

One Day Workshop
Sat 27th April 2013

[Contact for details]
Module 2: Nature Spirits (Better Know Your Gnomes)
This module will equip you with the experience of meeting and working with nature spirits helpers. It is vital that these beings are known to all who wish to be earth healers, as they are an interregnal part of nature in all its manifestations.
We will get to understand how the collective consciousness of space (Genius Loci) can inform us problems in the landscape.
Tutors: Shaun

Module 2b
Working with Angels
One Day Workshop
TBA 2013
[Contact for details]

Module 2b: Working with Angels
This module will equip you with the experience of meeting and working with Angelic helpers. It is vital that these beings are known to all who wish to be earth healers, as they are an interregnal part of all manifestation. We will also explore your own connections to spirit guides and allies that you will need as a practising Earth Healer.
Tutors: Shaun
Module 3
Geopathic Stress & Technopathic Stress

1st & 2nd June 2013
Glastonbury Area
Module 3: Geopathic Stress & Technopathic Stress
One of the cornerstone of geomancy is the diagnosis and treatment of Geopathic Stress. Underground water is the main culprit of this toxic chi, it is known to be a cause of all manor of aliments & diseases including M.E, immune systems problems, cancer, and any number of complaints from sleeping disorders to migraines and even metal illness. Using practical methods of treatment, you will learn how to resolve Geopathic Stress. Technopathic stress is a similar variation caused by un-harmonic technology. We will look at how EM fields effect our immune systems and vitality, and test some technology and methods to ease there effects.

Tutors: Shaun.
Module 4
Psychic Questing

TBA June 2013
Glastonbury Area
Module 4: Psychic Questing - Identifying Trauma in Homes & Landscape
Intuition is the key to geomancy, as it leads you to the discovery of the underlining issues with a home or landscape. In this module we will journey to our own home to discover any historical patterns that may be running in the etheric of our living space or even within ourselves. We will learn how to employ these techniques for earth healing elsewhere and how to identify some of the phenomena and earth energies we may encounter. We will also be practising remote dowsing work with maps and pendulums.
Tutors: Christian & Shaun
Module 5
Spirit Release

TBA - Glastonbury
Module 5: Spirit Release & Geo Psychic Stress
About 80% of Geomancy work involves spirit release - That is the aiding of suck souls to the next level of existence. Most call them ghosts, but they are in fact people who are trapped on the earth level of consciousness because of the manner in which they died or beliefs they held. The disturbances they can create are usually a cry out for help. This module will help you locate and aid these suck souls onward in their journey.

Predecessor chi or psycho-emotional trauma, is stored in the geo-psyhic matrix that surrounds all of us, this is particularly strong where traumatic events have played out in history i.e. wars, murders, accidents, suicides etc. All of these events leave an imprint on the space where they occurred. They can influence the vibration of the space in this time or even cause events replayed entirely, causing similar effects. This module will teach methods of dealing with such phenomena.
Tutors: Shaun
Module 6
Harmonic Matrix of Space

TBA - Glastonbury

Module 6: Harmonic Matrix of Space & Psychic Protection
In this module we will look at codes and programmes that people set up in the etheric matrix of space. The idea that consciously or not, people create etheric patterns that influence their environment. We will learn how to identify and neutralise un-harmonic codes, and to a create beneficial programmes that enhance and support ourselves an others. We will also look at psychic attack, and how to set up psychic protection shields for people and homes.
Tutors: Christian & Shaun

Module 7
Sacred Space Design

Module 7: Sacred Site Design
The Ancients knew all about the relationships between Sun, Moon, Planets & Stars, they encoded those relationships into the stone circles and temples around the world. Fortunately we have learned somewhat to decode them. This module will tech how to site, design and construct a sacred site for your own needs, attracting celestial and earth energies to create a truly life enhancing space. Will will look at the work of Alexander Thom and others, Labyrinth design, Medicine Wheel design and some sacred geometries of temple design. Individual Projects set.
Tutors: Shaun
Module 8
Earth Grids

Module 8: Energy Grids
In this module we will discover some of the electromagnetic grids that make up the magnetic field of the earth, and how they manifest at ground level. We will see how the Curry/ Hartman grids can not only show the health of a building but how they can even reveal buildings that are no longer present. We will see how they effect humans and how they resonate with the different energy centres of the body. We will learn methods of treatment for negative grid lines which case Geopathic Stress. We will learn how to categorise the girds and how the ancients used them in sacred site constructions.
Tutors: Shaun

Module 9
Geomancy Initiation

Autumn Equinox - Venue TBA

Module 9: Geomantic Initiation - A 5 Day Intensive Camp
A 5-Day camp setting personal and group projects, as well as a refresher for modules you may have missed or wish to go over. We will also do some role-pay for working with clients and talk about client ethics. Also we will be doing on the job training as well as site visits to sacred sites.
Tutors: Shaun & Christian

Advanced Module
Geomancy with Nature
November 2013

Advanced Module - Geomancy with Nature
This special Module will detail the work of renowned Geomancer Dr Patrick Macmanaway, and his unique approach, to increasing fertility of live stock, and crop yields, and healing of sick farms. With detailed field trials and amazing results being reported by farmers/gardeners.
Tutors: Dr Patrick Macmanaway
If you have any Questions About the modules
Or any interest in this Training Course please contact:

Geo Course 2013Course FlyersThe Modules The Tutors